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LOA Blood Orange & Pomegranate
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Interior design was, for me, a series of rules that had place in the consumerist world, but I was struggling to find a soul to it. When I learnt that Lighting design had standards that is advised to follow, but it is up to the client need and to the designer concept the actual final word, I fell in love. I started in Milan, after reading and studying anything possible about lighting. I have been like a sponge for six months, absorbing everything, but since the technical part was partially covered, I went first to be the assistant of a light artist in the Netherlands, then to properly study Architectural Lighting Design in Sweden. All of this just as a ground base, as I believed and still do in lighting as a big umbrella for different disciplines. Lighting design in Europe got developed into two different categories mainly: product and concept design.

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¿Qué es flete? | Todo sobre mudanzas en Mundivan
Maitolasiteippaus - Design Tape Oy
6 نصائح لشراء سيارتك؟ - مكتب خليها علينا
Was ist ein Digital Twin? - Geovisual Interactive
Noleen D. - Basils Boma Bush Chalet & Potter's Shed
LOA Blood Orange & Pomegranate - LOA Drinks
Nebrius ferrugineus (Lesson, ) - Seatizens
Vamos falar de Lighting Design? Com Martina Frattura.
Школы серфинга на Бали для начинающих - Балифорум
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