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Curso de Acuarela en El Patio de Atrás

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Slope Stability Analysis in Coal Mines Using Drone Photogrammetry
Fiscalité – L’isolation des toitures
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Open-pit coal mining stands as a cornerstone of the global energy demand landscape. Yet, the operational prowess of this industry hinges significantly on effective tailings management. The disposal of tailings, the material encasing coal seams, emerges as a pivotal concern demanding meticulous consideration. Traditional methods of tailing capacity analysis have faced limitations, but the infusion of technology, particularly drone-based photogrammetry , is revolutionizing the terrain of slope stability analysis. In the intricate dance of open-pit coal mining, overburden dumps take centre stage in ensuring safety and sustainability. Their efficient management ensures slope stability and mitigates the risks of landslides and environmental degradation.

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